Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Mousse-tache

The first time I tried a Chocolate Dome at Kneader's I fell in love. As in, I made my husband take me there every date night for months because it was the only treat I felt like eating. I was pretty sad to leave them behind when I went off gluten and dairy this year.

However, the internet is a beautiful thing. Seek and ye shall find. Kosher mousse that is. Here's my riff on the Five Minute Mousse, or The Mousse-tache, as I like to call it ('staches happen). Gluten free, dairy free, quick prep, and simple ingredients. And it tastes amazing. This is how I like to FOOD.

A few notes:
-I know, avocados?? Trust. Cocoa is a power.
-If you're short on avocados (or trust), banana works at a 1 to 1 replacement. However, it will now be banana-chocolate flavored. Banana is a power too.
-The uncooked cocoa prevents this from being completely silky smooth. But--five minutes.
-This is the consistency of pudding (assuming you use full fat coconut milk), but chilling in the fridge will make it awesomely solid (assuming you use full fat coconut milk).

The Mousse-tache

1 can coconut milk (full fat)
2 avocados
2 Tbs cocoa
1/2 c. honey or maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
dash of salt
(opt) fruit

Add all ingredients to a high powered blender and blend. Serve. Garnish with fruit if desired.


  1. Yummy! We used to make a choclate mousse from my Moosewood cookbook that was rich in protein. It was made with ricotta cheese. It was so yummy. Unfortunately, now that James and I keep away from most chocolates, I'm missing all my old recipes (like Moosewood cake). :(

  2. Can we make this for a sister date?


Where's the beef?!